“Christmas in America: Happy Birthday, Jesus” a photo essay by Jesse Rieser

A decade in the making, “Christmas In America” is an unvarnished examination of the ways people mark the holiday’s meaning.

Jesse’s series appeared in the Communication Arts Photo AnnualAmerican Photography Annual, the Critical Mass Top 50, and the PDN Photo Annual. The work was also featured in the New York Times, Time Magazine, Wired, NPR, Buzzfeed, Fast Company, Esquire, The Guardian, Artsy, and Refinery 29.

Photographer: Jesse Rieser

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Photographer Jesse Rieser for The Wall Street Journal

Jesse photographed a story about a 70 foot tall, 30 ton, robotic field scanner that scrutinizes and collects data from a two acre farm in the Arizona desert to study plant genetics in high heat.  The goal of this project is to create stress resilient crops that can withstand climate change and serve as bio fuels and food.

Photographer: Jesse Rieser
Client: The Wall Street Journal
Director of Photography: Elissa Curtis
Photo Editor: Michael Bucher

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“The Changing Landscape of American Retail” photo series by Jesse Rieser

Jesse’s photography documents the shift from traditional brick and mortar retail locations to the stark and generic structures that now house shipping, fulfillment, and server centers essential for e-commerce.

Images from this project were featured in Architectural Digest, Business Insider, Fast Company, Fraction Magazine, NPR, The PDN Photo Annual, The Washington Post + Wired Magazine and will shown at the Klompching Gallery (89 Water Street in Brooklyn) from 9/9/20 to 10/10/20, as part of the FRESH Annual Exhibition.

Photographer: Jesse Rieser

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